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5MOD Series 3 Episode 4 "indefinite"

Five Minutes of Doubt have been re-releasing episodes from Series 3 recently and today is the turn of Aija Silina’s episode, entitled “indefinite”. The gallery shows some selected frames from the short film made in collaboration with Silina (also as performer) and producer Jay Lawrance.

A woman ruminates on life in a large city: the exhausting fascination that strangers hold, and the need to retreat, to be alone, to remember home.

On reflection since its re-release, I think “indefinite” certainly leans towards describing psychogeography in a very sentimental way. Psychogeography relates to how your environment (and how you subsequently move around within it) affects you as an individual. The protagonist addresses isolation and the means of escape by describing the characters and their connected worlds.

In terms of its visual representation, the extremity between the simple joys in life and a harsh, unforgiving city gave proposed a number of challenges. Silina included references to memory as well as the physical world so creating fitting imagery had to come from a myriad of places. For the most part, the images are collages (either re-photographed or CAD) of several places in and around London.

My thanks to Aija and to Jay. Check out “indefinite” by clicking on the link and then scrolling to Season Three.

5mod are looking for new writers and performers for Series 4. If you’ve got something that you’d like to put out, or know anyone who might, then please get in touch with us


